Midnight Sun
84 Reynolds St. Oakville, ON L6J 3K2
Call for store hours of operation or visit our website.
(905) 842-5400

Here at Midnight Sun Oakville, we offer many different options to help you achieve a wonderful looking tan.
You can use our Royal Sun Express beds for a relaxing 20 minute tan. Or you may want to use our Turbo Tan or Ergoline Super tanning beds.
We also offer the Saturn stand up tanning booth as well as our very popular facial tanner.
Now for the first time in Oakville we offer both the Mystic Tan HD and the Versa Spa Spray tanning booths.
We carry all the top brands of indoor tanning lotions and enhancers at very reasonable prices.
We offer various tanning packages, including monthly and per session packages to suit all your tanning needs.