The Downtown Business Improvement Area
The Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the economic health and quality of life in Downtown Oakville. The BIA works to create the best possible environment to work, shop, live, and visit.
Downtown Oakville is a dynamic shopping and cultural district. It is recognized for its outstanding retail mix, professional services, and exceptional dining and is rich in history and heritage. The Downtown Oakville BIA is the home to over 400 business members. Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area (BIA) is responsible for the marketing and beautification of this historic business district.
The Board Of Directors of the Downtown Oakville BIA are elected Members of the Downtown Business Community and responsible for creating the annual Business Plan to drive traffic to the area. Funds are collected from each Business Member as a percentage of the taxed assessed value of their facility. The Town Council does not contribute to this budget directly. The Town Council acts as the “collection agency” and provides guidance and ensures good Governance for this not for Profit Association.
The Downtown Business Improvement Area office is located at 146 Lakeshore Road East (2nd Floor West Office) Oakville, Ontario L6J 1H4.
Office Hours by Appointment.

Executive Director

Marketing Director

Member Communications Manager
Program Coordinator
©2021 by Oakville Downtown